Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Philosophy Names

TRIPLE M, whats the meaning of this name?what the philosophy of its??? TRIPLE M, i got this name of sudden when i was filling the data to create a new email for my online shop. i also dont know why i choose Triple and M for the name of my online shop. ummm,, mybe bcoz i like the letter of "M". M is special letter for me bcoz it describes the special person in my life, they r Muhammad (Rasulullah), Mom (my luvly), Muhammad Thamrin (my dad), aMeen (my grandpa) and Muhammad akbar (my soulmate). furthermore, i think M is very very important in shopping, its about Murah-Meriah, Mix-Match and Money. i made Triple M o'shop with my sister who loves shopping by online, we got idea to make an online shop coz my sister and my mom love shopping so much and we wanna have a fun activity that our mom loved too. so' the meaning of Triple M is Murah-Meriah, Mix-Match and Money. And the philosophy of this name is Made for My Mom;):*:*

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